Sunday, August 2, 2009

How do I care for a box turtle?

My 3 yr old son got a turtle and not sure how to care for it. Where can I find some info about this turtle and how to care for it.
Do an internet search or go to your library for books
To save you some time here are some tips
Box turtles are omnivores so they need meat and plants, they LOVE watermellon, tomatoes, slugs, and earth worms. In my experiance these are thier favorent foods (the worms and slugs need to be live for them to be interested) they will eat whenever there is food, so just give them some every day, if you miss a day or two don't worry they can go for several months without eating (but it is not advisable that you try not feeding him for that much time). He needs a source of water large enough that they can get into it from time to time (just be shure it is not too deep ot they might drown, most of them don't swim very well, but occasionally you find one that does), He will also need some dirt to dig in. If he is outside then he douse not need a source of light, if he is inside then he will need a heat lamp, he will also need a hallow log or something he can get into to hide, also they love tall gress so if you can get some to grow in the cage that would be great.
Enjoy your turtle
google it or go to your local petstore and find some books about turtles or ask someone that works there.

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