Thursday, July 30, 2009

Grabbing a Water Dragon's tail...?

My dragon jumped off my arm and headed for underneath my bed. There's a lot of junk in there and I don't want him to get hurt so I grabbed his tail. How bad is that? Everyone's always saying to not grab him by his tail. He seems fine, just scared.
You could cause the dragon to loose its tail, or cause it to partially break and bleed. If it was between that and your dragon getting hurt, sometimes you have to, don't do it regularly or it will lose its tail, break its tail, or possibly get an infection or dry gangreen which can lead to death, so don't make a habit of it.

Watch him for a few days, if nothing changes, he is probably fine. I don't condone grabbing lizards by the tail unless it is an emergency and there is risk of death, sometimes you just have to to keep them from getting hurt. Chances are he'll be fine. If there is a problem, go to a vet and get it looked at, if you catch problems early enough the worst you'll get is an amputated tail, if you let it go, your lizard will suffer.
You just have to be careful so the tail doesn't fall off he will be fine .even if his tail does fall off it will be fine but not grow to the full extent. If his tail is still fine and he is doing good just a little shocked or scared then there isn't anything to worry about.
The thing with water dragons is that they are fast and like to run lol mine has ran off more than a few times, grabbing their tail, well it can fall off, or they might bite you...its not that bad tho, they will just gum you to death lol
Just as the others said, they risk letting their tail go to escape and loosing it. It's a very painful process for them and is very stressful.

Other than that, pulling his tail is just a bad idea. Kind of like someone pulling your hair.

And obviously one_sad_panda has never been bit by an adult waterdragon. It is not funny and they don't "gum" you. They draw blood and tear flesh. Don't post crap you don't know anything about. Someone could get hurt.

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