Friday, July 31, 2009

HELPP!! with a baby red-ear slider...!!?

My baby ( i just got her 4 days ago) red ear sliders shell is soft, is it due to lack of calcium or b/c she still a baby??? She also dosnt eat.! i been trying to look for all the info on the turtle as possible..! soo some one please help me. some one gave her to me for my bday and i really want to keep her i just need some info on her!!! thankssssss
My real small ones have always had a slightly soft shell when they were little.
Call a pet store that sells turtles and ask their opinion on how and what to feed her and how to setup her living area. They should be able to help. Good luck.

needs calcium block in water. they also need heat, filtration and a u.v light is recommended. if you bought it at a store it was sick there because it takes a while to develop a soft shell. i work at a reptile store.
It's pretty normal for babys to have soft shells so unless it's extremely soft then you're fine. Just be sure that she does have enough calcium AND UVB lighting. With no UVB lighting, she's as good as dead as this slowly poisons them and makes it impossible to synthesize calcium and produce vitamin d3. Just make sure her habitat is all ok and you have nothing to worry about.

The not eating thing is because she's in a new place. It sometimes takes turtles about 2 weeks to get adjusted. You might also not be feeding her correctly. They need pelet food made specifically for baby aquatic turtles and that's about it at this age.
Ryan's info looked pretty good (although I honestly couldn't get through all that stuff) but the bottom line is, why didn't you check this out before you bought it?
This turtle will be tough to keep alive, at this point.
I have baby red ears as well and it was difficult to get them to eat at first as well so i read on the internet that the more you play with them the more they like you and want you attention so i played with mine alot until i could get it to be ok with coming out of the shell areound me. Then I read they like to eat shrimp and it is better fot them so i went to wal-mart and bought some dried out baby shrimp (bout 3 dollars)food and it started to eat b/c it wasnt as stressed. Now she eats from my hand and is very happy when i come home. Also for the shell problem, i would buy a chicken heat lamp b/c it has uv rays in it that the turtle needs to be able to bask under.

good luck!

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