Friday, July 31, 2009

Hermit crabs salt watter??...?

i know hermit crabs need salt watter but why?

and wheres the best place get it?
Most hermit crabs that you buy in the pet store are fresh water crabs and do not require salt water. And by the way you make salt water not buy it. You have to buy special salt from the pet store though

Check out this web sight:
There are minerals and such in the salt water that they need, some types need it more then others, like strawberries.
I don't think you can buy it anywhere but it is very easy to make. First start with de chlorinated water and add the right about of salt, no table salt and even some salts made for crabs aren't good. I like Oceanic brand, it tells you how much to use on the package.
the only reason they hermit crabs need salt water is bathe they will drink it also but it helps with there exoskeleton and makes them healthy, but you buy the stuff to make there saltwater at any pet store that sells hermit crabs abd hermiot crab supplies. I keep some in my crabitat at all times so they can bathe whem they want to plus i bathe mine in saltwater once every two weeks to once a month. keeps them clean and is good fro their gills to help keep them moist and healthey
Hermit crabs evolved living near the ocean. While land hermit crabs live on land, they store some water in their shells to keep their bodies moist. They need salt water both to drink and to create the right osmotic balance in their shell. I would guess that if they did not have the right balance of salt and fresh water, too much water would pass through their exoskeleton and into their cells which could lead to cell damage.

Salt can be purchased at most major pet stores or fish stores. The kind you want is the stuff used in saltwater aquariums. Some of the more common brands are Oceanic and Instant Ocean. There will be directions on the bag if you want to mix the entire thing, but if you want to do smaller batches, you can visit the link below for figuring out the right amount to use.

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