Friday, July 31, 2009

Help with a turtle?

A slider turtle, 1 1/2 inches is in my creek. What should I do with him, and sometimes I can't find him
Leave it in your creek. That's it's home. It's illegal to take wild animals from their homes and they don't do well in captivity and are actually quite demanding creatures.
take him to the animal shelter or keep it (when you can find it) lol
its okay as long as they are in your area where you live and he isnt sick. turtles usally will stay within they area but i have one that goes through the whole neighborhood. it once got stuck in my water garden so we had to help him out. he was found again a couple days ago so he at least lived througth the winter
Just leave it. We get those all the time %26 the just stay there or swim away. Maybe you could keep it as a pet.
Give a call to a animal shelter, they will know what to do. For now, try and keep garbage out of the creek. GOOD LUCK!!!
like Britt said, just leave it. itll be nice, not many people get a turlte that just chilliaxes out in their creek. Be happy.

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