Friday, July 31, 2009

How can i differentiate between turtles and tortoises?

How can i differentiate between turtles and tortoises? They look very alike.

What i know is that, if i'm not mistaken, turtles have webbed feets with claws whereas tortoise have elephant-like feets.

CAn u all tell me more about them??? XD
Technically a tortoise is a type of turtle. There are three major types of turtles
Terrapins are aquatic and some live in fresh and a few live in salt or brackish water, and they will come on land to bask, these are species like red eard sliders, yellowbelloied turtles etc.

Tortoises live on land and rarly if ever come in water.

The other catagory is sea turtles, which of course live ion the sea.

Typically tortioses have high domed shells and webless rear feet. and terrapins have flater more arodynamic shells.
Turtles are Aquatic living mostly in the water. Tortoises are land animals and may go to the water to soak but will not swim.
You were right when you said tortoises have elephant like feet and that is for travel over land and for digging. Tortoises are mainly vegetarians where turtles will eat fish and aquatic vegetations along with crayfish and depending on the size and species of turtle, ducks and other water fowl are on the menu.

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