Saturday, May 22, 2010

How long does asquirrel live?

My great aunt has a pet squirrel.She did not take it from the wikd just out of the blue...It was on her porch and its leg was ingured and he was all alone and was a baby so she nursed it back to health.after she let the squirrel back into the wild,it kept trying to get into her house and wouldnt leave her porch.So it came inside through her open window one day and it stayed there ever since.

This happened 4 years ago and Stumpy is still alive and kicking today.She likes to roam around the house and eats corn on the cob and other different foods.
Grey squirrels:
- The life span of the female is between 4-6 years.
- The life span of the male is between 2-3 years.
I guess you mean squirrel,well depends on how long we let them.
till your nuts run out!!! lol

They live about 3-5 years depending where they live and their gender.
2-6 years

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