Monday, May 24, 2010

How old is my baby beardie?

I purchased my first Beardie about a month ago but after asking all of the "important" questions, I forgot to ask how old she/he was. She is about six inches long from nose to tip of her tail. She is doing great and growing but I just want to know how old she is because I am trying to follow a chart on what to feed her and how often, according to age. Thanks for any advice in advance.
here is a website you can compare your beardies growth to. at 6 inches he/she is about 6 weeks old
Probably only a matter of a couple of months at that size, certainly much less than a year. They can easily be 10 inches long at 5 months of age, so I would think it's probably only 2-3 months old at the most. It's most likely less than that.
Take it to the vet, they would be able to find out.
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Ronald thinks you're hot.

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