Monday, May 24, 2010

How to take care of a garter snake?

today My stepsister and i found a garter snake while taking a walk. I petted him and he seemed fine with it. she picked him up and he wrapped around her arm. She(vanessa) then noticed a deep wound in the lower section of his tail. I tried to examine it closer and he bit me. He was in pain so we made a home for him. It was an 18" (length) by 7"(width) and 5"(high) plastic container with a lid, which we then cut holes through. We covered the bottom of his cage with a layer of grass. We added a flat smooth rock and shined a lamp on it (for basking) we also added a large tub of water. Shortly after we went and collected some grubs and a worm. He hasn't touched his food! i heard they like minnows, too. We have also heard that you can put Neosporin on his cut. please help if you see that we are doing anything wrong or not doing something!
I'd hate to say this but the snake it probably better off on its own. Don't worry it will probably be alright. If it is really hurt than there is not really anything you could do about it- its just natures way. He would probably be happier not cagged up.
easy to see you don't want to harm the snake, so take it back where you found it and let it go.
It sounds like you are doing everything good! Just make sure it has a lot of fresh bugs. You could get some crickets at PetCo or something too. Thats so awesome of you to take care if it! We have a lot of those snakes here. Arent they cool?
You might also call your local Fish and Wildlife and ask if they know someone who rehabs animals like that.
Yes neosporin will work just let him chill a bit and get used to you and he will be OK !!!
From the size of the cage , this sounds like a young snake. You could go with a bigger cage, 10 gal. tank or so, and make sure the snake has a place to hide. The food you're offerring is good, they love earthworms, small mice, small frogs, minnows. You can apply neosporin or a similar anti-bacterial ointment to the wound, but they usually wipe it off by slithering around, so you should do this several times a day. Also, don't bother with crickets or any insects, as they are NOT a part of a garter snake's diet %26 even if you could get a garter to eat one, they are very hard to digest %26 offer almost no nutritional value to the snake

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