Monday, May 24, 2010

How long does it take for a tadpol to become a frog?

not all species mature are same rate.-------the ones I had took about 6 weeks if memory serves.
Hello ..a few weeks or more ... if kept in it's pond or ditch water as you found it..when it does turn, if it lives...Please release him back to where you found him or in any near by water or pond source ..Take Care :)
It varies depending on the species and how well you're keeping it.
In the wild, many toads transform in a few weeks.
Green frogs and bull frogs transform in two years.
Well like everyone has said it depends on the type of tadpole it is. I am raising tads right now (african clawed frogs) and it has taken about 39 days for the first ones to morph. If you google the type of tadpole you have you should be able to find a care sheet on how to care for it properly and also how long it takes to morph.

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